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Financial coach – definition

A financial coach is a type of advisor who can help you reach your financial goals by teaching you money management skills, such as how to build savings, create a financial plan or pay down debt. I can help improve your financial literacy, but cannot give you personalised product or tax advice.

I can assist with the behavioural and emotional components of managing money. I can help you unearth what drives your financial decisions, so you can create a healthier attitude that leads to better money habits. I can provide strategies to organize your finances so you can make wise decisions in the future.


Check the Financial Regulator website relevant to you to understand better what represents financial advice in your circumstances.

Why is this page not extra-long, full of pictures and third-party reviews? If you need that, we are both better off if you bring your business elsewhere.

Getting the most value out of coaching

The most productive conversations occur when you have data readily available. If you are not yet tracking your investments & expenses and defined your financial goals, I suggest you to do it now. 

If you are interested, contact me at