I started investing with Twino more than four years ago and as of today, I consider it the best platform I used so far.
The account set up is really easy and fast (as I recall), they now have also an app that I never tried.
Once your account is ready, I suggest you to set up an Auto-Invest Portfolio: you can choose your investment manually but there is no upside doing so and the auto-invest function works quite well.
You can set up portfolios with different characteristics, that invest for example in loans with longer tenors or just in one country, to have control on the risks you are taking.
Your capital is your main constrain: you do not want to leave cash un-invested on the platform, therefore choosing more options, but you also want to invest in the highest yielding opportunities, for example setting the lower bound on interest rate higher than 9%.
The BuyBack Guarantee is the best feature of the platform: Twino will buy back a loan (principal amount and interest for the investment period) from you if it is 30 or more days delinquent. This erases the main risk of investing in p2p loans, i.e. the risk that the borrower stops repaying the funds you lent.
These are my preferred parameters:

PG is another guarantee by Twino: they will compensate both the invested principal and interest according to the loan repayment schedule, even if the borrower is late. Loans with this guarantee pay less than loans without, that’s why is better to put a lower bound on the interest rate.

I strongly suggest not to invest in loans with currency exposure: it is true that they pay higher rates but still the higher rate does not fully compensate for the additional risk (I have 15 years professional experience trading FX, if you want to pick up something out of this post, please take this).
Once you set up the Auto Invest, the platform will do all the job for you. Recently Twino improved the algo to allocate funds and you rarely end up with un-invested balance on your account.
Twino shares a monthly newsletter with info about company results and news about the platform, I find it useful and not too invasive like other firms that tend to send you lot of emails.
…and so how much is worth all of this?

What I am reading now:
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